How to Pack a Crushable Outback Hat: The Ultimate Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Choose a Crushable Outback Hat?
  3. Preparing Your Hat for Packing
  4. The Rolling Method: Step-by-Step
  5. Packing the Hat in Your Luggage
  6. Alternative Packing Method: The Sandwich Technique
  7. Unpacking Your Hat
  8. Tips for Maintaining Your Crushable Outback Hat
  9. Conclusion

Packing for an adventure can be stressful, especially when it comes to protecting your favorite accessories like a crushable outback hat. Whether you're heading out for a weekend in the wild or a cross-country road trip, knowing how to properly pack your hat can ensure it remains in top shape. In this guide, we'll walk you through the best methods to pack your Falcon Suede USA outback hat, ensuring it stays stylish and intact for your journey.

Why Choose a Crushable Outback Hat?

Before diving into the packing process, let's explore why the crushable outback hat is a travel essential. These hats are designed to withstand rough handling, making them perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Made from durable materials like suede, they offer a blend of style and functionality. Plus, their ability to bounce back to shape after being packed makes them a favorite among travelers.

Preparing Your Hat for Packing

Clean Your Hat

Before packing, ensure your hat is clean. Use a soft brush or damp cloth to remove any dirt or dust. This prevents any debris from causing damage or stains while the hat is packed.

Shape Maintenance

To maintain the shape of your outback hat, stuff the crown with soft items like socks, a t-shirt, or bubble wrap. This helps the hat retain its structure during travel.

The Rolling Method: Step-by-Step

The rolling method is one of the most effective ways to pack a crushable outback hat. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Flatten the Hat

Place your hat on a flat surface. Gently press down on the crown to flatten it without creasing the material.

Step 2: Roll the Hat

Starting from one side, roll the hat loosely towards the other side. Ensure the roll is loose enough to prevent permanent creases but tight enough to save space in your luggage.

Step 3: Secure the Roll

Use a rubber band or a soft cloth to secure the roll. This prevents it from unraveling during transit.

Packing the Hat in Your Luggage

In a Suitcase

If you're packing your hat in a suitcase, place the rolled hat in a corner or along the edge. Surround it with soft clothing to provide extra cushioning and prevent it from being squished.

In a Backpack

For backpackers, place the rolled hat at the top of your bag. This not only keeps it accessible but also protects it from being crushed under heavier items.

Alternative Packing Method: The Sandwich Technique

If you prefer not to roll your hat, the sandwich technique is a great alternative. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Flatten the Hat

Flatten the hat gently as described earlier.

Step 2: Create a Clothing Sandwich

Lay down a layer of clothing in your suitcase or backpack. Place the flattened hat on top, and then cover it with another layer of clothing. This sandwich of clothes acts as a cushion, protecting the hat from being squashed.

Unpacking Your Hat

Upon reaching your destination, carefully unpack your hat. Remove any stuffing from the crown and give it a gentle shake to restore its shape. If there are any minor creases, a bit of steam from a kettle or a steam iron can help relax the fabric.

Tips for Maintaining Your Crushable Outback Hat

  • Avoid Prolonged Exposure to Sunlight: While outback hats are designed for outdoor use, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can fade the material. Store your hat in a cool, dry place when not in use.
  • Use a Hat Brush: Regularly brushing your hat can help maintain its appearance and remove any accumulated dirt.
  • Waterproofing: Consider applying a suede protector spray to safeguard your hat against unexpected rain showers.


Packing a crushable outback hat like the Falcon Suede USA doesn’t have to be a hassle. With these methods, you can ensure your hat stays in perfect shape no matter where your adventures take you. Whether you choose the rolling method or the sandwich technique, your hat will be ready to wear right out of your luggage. Happy travels, and enjoy your stylish adventures with your outback hat!

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